My Mom is Better Than Yours

My mom is better than yours. No seriously there have been few to walk the earth who are better mothers than the woman who raised me. When I think about my mother selfless is the first word that pops into my head. She has always put others first. It's reflected in everything she does. In her marriage to my dad, she happily goes along with whatever his latest love is-another boat, a fishing cabin, another fishing trip- you name it. And here's the thing that has always amazed me, she truly is happy for him to have and do whatever his heart desires. She's the same with my brother and I. She will drop everything to help us with whatever whenever we need her to without question. With my children, there is NEVER EVER a doubt on whether or not Dear is going to show up at their latest sports endeavors, school functions or church events. They have grown up knowing that no matter what, they can always count on her. This is a truth her family knows all too well. 

She taught us morals and values. She laid the foundation of our faith by not only making sure we were always in church but also in how she lived out her faith. This woman doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk. Now please don't get the impression she was just some pushover mom. She was tough on us and held us to high standards. We didn't have much drama growing up because drama wasn't allowed. We weren't allowed to act like brats. We were taught to have self respect. We were taught to have respect for others. Plain and simple. 

She has the patience of a saint. She truly gets the concept of "don't sweat the small stuff". We joke she will never have to worry about high blood pressure because she doesn't stress about much if anything. We could learn a thing or two from her in that area. She would rather spend her time caring for the people she loves and doing for others than worrying about her house being perfect or materialistic things that bog the rest of us down. And here's the thing- she never asks for much if anything in return. She doesn't expect expensive gifts or need the spotlight. She just quietly goes about the business of taking care of her family and trying to make sure everyone is happy. The best gift to her- her family spending time together. I could go on and on. So while many will post pictures and sentiments this Mother's Day of how great their mother is, I will know that I was blessed to have the best one. ;) 


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