Comfort Zone

Right now my bible study group is doing a study on Jonah and we have been talking about what happens when prayers don't turn out the way we imagine. How do we handle that? Do we get angry and pout with God or do we see it as a blessing? I have to admit, I've done more pouting in my life than I should've. So it got me thinking about my life right now. Over two years ago I got down on my knees and prayed for God to send a wonderful, kind, honest, Godly man into mine and my children's lives. I seemed to have spent so much of my life praying for the man I was with to change to become all of those things and had never really realized it. SO I decided to try something new-someone who was all of those things from the get go. In October of 2009 my prayers were answered in the strangest way. I received a Friend Request from an old friend I grew up with in church and thus began the path that brought Jeff and I together. Now I have to admit, never in a million years did I imagine that path would take me and my boys all the way to Idaho. We were just two friends who suddenly realized we liked each other a little more than just as friends. That "like" then turned to love. Now through all of this I really had the attitude that if it was meant to be then God would work it all out. Those who know me well know this is NOT at all my normal approach to things. I have to have it all figured out from A to Z. But I just had a peace about it all. At first Jeff and I thought we would just wait until his girls graduated from high school and then he would move down here. But after spending 2 weeks with them last summer I realized that was not going to work for me. Being together as a family-all 6 of us just felt right. But I have to admit (going back to how I began this blog) I wasn't too happy about leaving my family, friends, church and everything that had been my security for years now-everything I had built my life around. I was a little angry at God and I even did my share of pouting. But then I realized in the fall of last year, but confirmed it while doing this study, that this was the challenge God had put before me. He answered my prayer by sending Jeff. He even went further than that and gave me 2 step-daughters as well (I always wanted a big family and a daughter). So while it wasn't in this neat little "Brandy Approved" package, it was nonetheless a huge gift. So now, I am thankful for this new challenge set before me and excited about things to come. I know it will not always be easy and I will miss my family and friends more than words can say. But I know I will have the peace of God with me knowing I am going where He has led me and my boys. So now it's time for a new adventure in this thing we call life.


  1. Love it, Brandy! Even though I am going to miss you bunches, I know that this is what God has planned for you!


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