Lots of Changes...

It's been a while since I've blogged. I barely remembered how to log in to the site- lol! There are a lot of changes headed our way. It's amazing to me how life just has a way of working out. I guess that's why I am learning to stress a lot less the older I get. God continues to show me He's in charge and already has everything all worked out. We are in the process of building our new home. It's wonderful and the fact that Jeff basically designed it (working from several sets of plans) is even better. It truly is a home built for a family. I can't wait to hear the voices and laughter of my family filling the rooms. I foresee days of watching Alabama football on the back porch and many great meals being enjoyed in our kitchen (Jeff cooking them of course, lol!). As of this Tuesday, everything will be decided and we can sit back and watch it all come together. I can't wait!!!

It's only two months until our wedding. It's going to be such a wonderful & special day. The kids are excited about their roles. The boys can't wait to wear their tuxedos and ride in a limo. The girls are ready to pick out shoes and try on their dresses. My dress should be in next week and invitations will go out soon. I couldn't have done it without my dear friend, Leslie. She has taken care of so much and helped me create the look I wanted, not to mention helped me maintain sanity. Now it's time to enjoy the weeks ahead and the celebrations planned leading up to the BIG DAY! It's times like these when you really come to see how blessed you are. Someone pinch me because I don't think I could get much happier!


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