
Showing posts from April, 2011

He Makes All Things Beautiful...

So I happen to think when God is trying to teach us something he places reoccurring themes of His message all throughout our life. As I have joked with my bible study class, I am apparently in the remedial class on a few lessons He's trying to teach because I seem to have to learn them over and over. Anyway, recently this concept of God's love for us has been popping up everywhere. Now I know we are taught from a very young age "Jesus Loves Me" but how often do we REALLY ponder that thought. I was watching the Passion of the Christ Sunday night and a thought occurred to me. Think of the kindest, most giving, humble person you know. Now think of watching that person being almost beaten to death and then tortured on a cross all because of you...because of something you had done. Or imagine your child being tortured for someone else's crimes. That's how much God loves us. Amazing. And even more than that, it amazes me how he turns our messes into something beauti...